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The 5 Best WordPress Themes for SEO Visibility

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本文是与合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Theme selection to optimize your website’s SEO is more important than you might think. SEO can easily be negatively affected by poorly written themes. Specifically, the following points can hurt your SEO or the user experience causing your search engine rankings to suffer:

选择主题来优化网站的SEO比您想象的要重要。 搜索引擎优化很容易受到主题写得不好的负面影响。 具体来说,以下几点可能会损害您的SEO或用户体验,从而使搜索引擎排名受损:

  • The inability to remove spammy links. Too often free or low-cost WordPress themes are given away in some campaign to generate leads and come with code and links that can hurt your organic search visibility.

    无法删除垃圾链接。 在某些广告系列中,通常会免费提供免费或低成本的WordPress主题,以产生潜在客户,并附带会损害您的自然搜索可见性的代码和链接。
  • Poor usability can result in higher bounce rates

  • Non-mobile friendly designs will suffer to Google’s SEO scrutiny

    非移动友好型设计将受到Google SEO的审查
  • Poor design will result in a lower average time per page which tells Google your content isn’t relevant resulting in a lower ranking

  • Slow loading time from a bloated them will also go against Google’s best practices for SEO

  • Regular updates and ongoing support. Very few free or low-cost themes are patched for security purposes or upgraded when new versions of WordPress rollout. This leaves your site open to all sorts of vulnerabilities from hacking to poor SEO performance.

    定期更新和持续的支持。 为安全起见,很少有免费或低成本的主题被修补或在新版本的WordPress推出时进行升级。 这使您的网站容易遭受各种攻击,从黑客入侵到SEO性能不佳。

These all contribute to the overall user experience, and will consequently affect your SEO. With that knowledge as a base, we set out to find the top five WordPress themes for SEO visibility. This list will outline our top five and give you insights into how they will strengthen your site’s SEO performance.

这些都有助于整体用户体验,因此会影响您的SEO。 以这些知识为基础,我们着手寻找SEO可见性的前五个WordPress主题。 该列表将概述我们的前五名,并为您提供有关它们如何增强网站SEO性能的见解。

1. SEO WP (1. SEO WP)


According to Brian Dean, renowned SEO expert, SEO WP is his top recommendation for SEO optimized WordPress themes. What makes it so special?

根据著名的SEO专家Brian Dean的说法,SEO WP是他对SEO优化的WordPress主题的最佳推荐。 是什么让它如此特别?

  • From the minute you download it, you a get blazing fast theme load time of only three seconds, which greatly improves the SEO of the website and the overall user experience.

  • Your website is fully responsive and will look great on any webpage. They validate every site with a Google mobile-friendly check.

    您的网站具有完全的响应能力,并且在任何网页上都可以很好地显示。 他们通过Google移动友好检查来验证每个网站。
  • Consistently updated each month to have the best written code for SEO and to make sure it is free of all known bugs.

  • Lightweight design and code cuts the average size of your site in a third.


In addition to a solid SEO foundation the theme comes with a free live composer page builder which allows you to customize the theme to any layout you desire.



Read more about the or read user reviews and try it out on .


2. BoomBox (2. BoomBox)


BoomBox is a solid theme choice right out of the box. It was designed specifically for SEO because its purpose is to cater towards creating viral content and building popular websites that generate a large amount of traffic each day.

BoomBox是开箱即用的可靠主题选择。 它是专为SEO设计的,因为它的目的是迎合创建病毒内容和建立每天都会产生大量流量的流行网站的需求。

Much like Reddit, BoomBox has a neat front-end submission feature built in so visitors can submit content for voting without visiting the back-end admin section of the website. You also get the option to vote on posts based on your desired emoji response. This feature is, of course, optional.

就像Reddit一样,BoomBox具有内置的简洁前端提交功能,因此访问者可以提交内容进行投票,而无需访问网站的后端管理部分。 您还可以根据所需的表情符号响应对帖子进行投票。 当然,此功能是可选的。


Read more about BoomBox, get user feedback, and download the theme on .


3.突出 (3. Salient)


Salient is a multipurpose SEO-optimized WordPress theme that is well known for being a high-quality product. It comes with a specially tailored version of Visual Composer’s drag-and-drop builder to make even the most novice website designer to pro status in no time.

Salient是针对SEO优化的多用途WordPress主题,以高质量产品而闻名。 它带有Visual Composer的拖放构建器的特别定制版本,即使是最新手的网站设计师也可以立即成为专业人士。


Salient boasts 150+ professionally designed templates so you can get your site built efficiently and to your standards. It also has over 3,500 icons, over 700 fonts, and unlimited color possibilities including gradient colors.

Salient拥有150多个经过专业设计的模板,因此您可以高效地构建网站并达到标准。 它还具有3500多个图标,700多种字体以及无限的颜色可能性,包括渐变颜色。

If you want truly customizable and full SEO optimization right out of the box then head over to and download Salient.


4. X主题 (4. X Theme)

X Theme

One of the most popular themes of 2017, the X theme has taken the WordPress theme market to a new height by introducing the concept of stacks. Currently X has four different stacks to choose from:

X主题是2017年最受欢迎的主题之一,它通过引入堆栈概念将WordPress主题市场推向了一个新的高度。 当前,X有四个不同的堆栈可供选择:

  1. Integrity – Perfect for professionals, creatives, and business sites.

    完整性 –非常适合专业人士,创意人员和商业网站。

  2. Renew – Designed with a flat look that showcases your content in an easily digestible format. User-friendly content keeps visitors on the page longer which is a key metric in any SEO analysis.

    续订 –设计具有平面外观,以易于消化的格式展示您的内容。 用户友好的内容使访问者在页面上的停留时间更长,这是任何SEO分析中的关键指标。

  3. Icon – Crafted for more modern blogging sites. It gives a minimal design that gives the blog’s words the spotlight. This site will run lighter with fewer design elements which gives your site an SEO boost in the speed category.

    图标 –专为更现代的博客网站而设计。 它提供了一个最小的设计,使博客的文字成为人们关注的焦点。 该网站运行起来更轻松,设计元素更少,从而使您的网站在速度类别中获得了SEO提升。

  4. Ethos – Built with magazine sites in mind. Ethos highlights engaging content that promotes click through rates and with it a more respectable bounce rate.

    精神 –考虑到杂志网站的建设。 Ethos强调了引人入胜的内容,可提高点击率,并提高跳出率。

X Theme

Like many of its heavyweight counterparts, X comes with a front-end page builder. You get a free license for Cornerstone with each purchase.

像许多重量级的同类产品一样,X带有前端页面构建器。 每次购买均可获得Cornerstone的免费许可证。

To give the X theme a shot or to see some live demos check out .

要拍摄X主题或观看一些现场演示,请查看 。

5.模式 (5. Schema)


As far as SEO optimized WordPress themes go, Schema is among the highest in demand in the market. It combines SEO support with unparalleled load times. It is advertised as being the fastest loading ultra friendly SEO WordPress theme on the market — a statement that is echoed by all the 5-star reviews you will find on MyThemeShop. Knowing full well how much loading time affects search engine rankings makes Schema a smart choice for those looking to maximize their site’s performance and still roll in under budget.

就SEO优化的WordPress主题而言,Schema是市场上需求量最高的之一。 它结合了SEO支持和无与伦比的加载时间。 它被广告宣传为市场上加载速度最快的超友好SEO WordPress主题,该声明在MyThemeShop上得到的所有5星级评价都得到了呼应。 完全了解多少加载时间会影响搜索引擎排名,对于那些希望最大程度地提高其网站性能并且仍能以低于预算的价格访问的人来说,Schema是明智的选择。


As you can see they don’t just talk about SEO optimization results, they test them. One of the ways Schema sets itself apart is by utilizing a vast library of shortcodes that work with rich snippets to help you rank higher on search engines. They also code with Google’s SEO best practices in mind and write quality code to make the site even more friendly to Google’s algorithm.

如您所见,他们不仅谈论SEO优化结果,还对其进行了测试。 Schema与众不同的方法之一是利用庞大的短代​​码库,这些库可与丰富的摘要配合使用,以帮助您在搜索引擎上排名更高。 他们还牢记Google的SEO最佳做法进行编码,并编写高质量的代码,以使网站对Google的算法更加友好。

To read more about Schema or try it yourself, check out .

要了解有关Schema的更多信息或自己尝试,请查看 。

摘要 (Summary)

Now that you know which themes are top shelf, you can move forward into deeper testing and tweaking of your site’s settings and content to rank even higher. Follow this short SEO checklist for best SEO practices:

现在您已经知道哪些主题是最重要的主题,接下来可以进行更深入的测试,并对网站的设置和内容进行调整,以使排名更高。 请遵循以下简短的SEO检查清单,以获取最佳SEO做法:

  1. Run a quality check against


  2. Make sure your website is


  3. Make sure your website


Finally, no matter the theme, you can still mess up your SEO with your content and configuration. Remember to supplement your theme’s built-in SEO with high-quality content written for humans (not search engines) and a solid SEO plugin like or .

最后,无论主题如何,您仍然可以将SEO与内容和配置搞混。 请记住,要为主题的内置SEO补充为人类(而非搜索引擎)编写的高质量内容,以及可靠的SEO插件(例如或 。

If you’re looking for somewhere to host your WordPress site after you’ve got your theme choice figured out, take a look at our partner, . They offer managed WordPress hosting, with one-click installation, staging environments, a WP-CLI interface, pre-installed Git, autoupdates, and more!

在确定主题选择之后,如果您要在某个地方托管WordPress网站,请查看我们的合作伙伴 。 他们提供托管的WordPress托管,一键安装,暂存环境,WP-CLI界面,预安装的Git,自动更新等!

If you’re looking for somewhere to host your WordPress site after you’ve got your theme choice figured out, take a look at our partner, . They offer managed WordPress hosting, with one-click installation, staging environments, a WP-CLI interface, pre-installed Git, auto-updates, and more. They even have a tailor-made plugin, , which optimizes and speeds up client sites tremendously!

在确定主题选择之后,如果您正在寻找托管WordPress网站的地方,请查看我们的合作伙伴 。 他们提供托管的WordPress托管,一键安装,登台环境,WP-CLI界面,预安装的Git,自动更新等。 他们甚至有一个量身定制的插件 ,可以极大地优化和加速客户站点!

What other themes have you found that boost your SEO? Tell us in the comments.

您发现其他哪些主题可以提高您的SEO? 在评论中告诉我们。




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